Thursday, March 6, 2008


Q..what is the blog about ?

A..A blog giving information about a startup aiming to help all student entrepreneurs .

Q..What information ? What startup?

A..Information on some aspects of building our startup..which is partly the blogs .. "startup-asia ";"" and the website"".this is the test bed for business ideas with traffic fed to it from the country specific blog.

Q..How will it help other startups?

A.. By understanding what we did and how we did can help save time and money..especially finding high quality team little or nil cost..This is one of the most vital of all things to do ;if you do not have a good team you will almost certainly fail.

Q..But i am only going to have myself or one or two in the business !

A..Most businesses start with only one or two people..but if that's your are on the wrong site! We are setting a lead for entrepreneurs who are very ambitious and will want ultimately investment funding..

Q..What is so special about ?

A.. We are aiming to do the impossible , which is to get investors to seriously consider the billion poor and gift them the means out of poverty.

Q.. That is impossible..investors are only interested in viable ideas with some valued asset!

A.. Most investors are not interested.but some are monitoring the only requires them to see the concept proven by results to engender more interest..we will be sharing with you the reasons why this is possible, with examples of other entrepreneurs successful projects using some of the ideas we are implementing; and how you can use the information in the formulation of your business model.

Q..When will you be giving proof your business model works ?

A.. We aim to launch in Mian Channu Pakistan in July/August..we will keep you informed via the blog; it will take time for the whole system to come on stream ..but we will give these details as we start to trade.

Q.. Why Mian Channu ?

A.. Because my business partner is from there and he and i had assets which complemented each others...this story will be told ...on the blog...

Q..What are you doing now ?

A..Other than typing this blog! I am writing up a business agreement;.designing the homepage for the upgraded site due to be finished in May;negotiating a deal to produce revenue
generating websites in specific niches;registering a URL; starting the outline of a story which will be used as a viral marketing tool..the story will include much of the lessons and contacts i have made over the past 9 years...It will be called ;" Jasmine "! Watch this space it will be unique..

Send it your questions and we will have another answer session .....

Take care humbird

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