Tuesday, November 13, 2007

SELLING TO THE POOR section 2.....

As the poor number at least one billion you would think businesses would be interested to consider this market...? We think not..but why and could they be missing the revolution that has started ( it's secret at the moment )

By poor we mean those having one main thought when they get up in a morning.".How can we get
enough food for the day ???

The wealthy must give the poor the MEANS to generate wealth FOR THEMSELVES....this blog will reveal how this will be done ..on the fly..that is as it happens.. ...........using the platform... http://www.testmyidea.com/ This is the result of years of research and is for the use of all the poor on the planet....and a nine year dream.

The poor need two essentials to free themselves from food aid ( or only survival work ) which sustains them but does not ,in general, enhance their lives..........more in .........section 3

( in between times download and read free starter on TMI.......)

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